Sunday, December 27, 2009

Vocabulary/slang: lame, pathetic, sad

I'm not sure whether this is 'vocabulary' or 'slang' - my feeling is that these words are more common for young people - but here are some useful words.

If you want to criticise something, these are some useful adjectives:
  • lame
  • sad
  • pathetic

  • All three of these words have other meanings. 'Lame' originally means 'unable to walk normally'. 'Sad' means 'unhappy'. 'Pathetic' means 'something that makes you feel pity/sorry for someone'.

    But they can also be used to criticise something. They can be used in a sarcastic way, a joking and fun way, or as a mean insult.

    Lame and sad mean weak, unimpressive. If someone tells a lame joke, it really wasn't very funny. If a person is lame, they are uncool, rather stupid.

  • Oh dear, this new song is rather lame.
  • You stayed home to play RPGs? Your idea of fun is pretty sad.
  • So you wrote those mean notes? That is really sad. You are a really pathetic person.

    In these examples, the idea is that you (sarcastically) feel sorry for the person - they are so stupid, or mean, or uncool, that you feel sad for them.

    Pathetic has a similar meaning, but is usually a bit stronger and more negative.

  • His performance during the match was pathetic.

    How about you? Do you have any habits or interests that are, well, lame? ^_-
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