Saturday, January 9, 2010

Vocabulary: travel

So, are you travelling around the world? Here are some useful words.

A hemisphere is the top or bottom half of the world. The northern hemisphere includes the USA, Europe, Canada, Japan, Russia, and so on. The southern hemisphere includes the south of Africa, Australia, and most of South America.

These hemispheres are divided by the imaginary line, the equator.

Speaking of imaginary lines, you might know the word time zone. When you travel abroad, you often cross more than one time zone, and have to change your clock. In my time zone now, it's almost midnight. ^_^

When you cross a lot of time zones, you often suffer jet lag. When you have jet lag, your body is confused by the change in time - it wants to sleep when it's light outside, or wake up in the middle of the night.

How about you? Which hemisphere do you live in? Have you ever crossed time zones? Have you ever had jet lag?

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