Hi everyone! I hope you find this blog useful. I designed it for intermediate to advanced English students. I know right now there are not many readers. That's okay. ^_^
I just wanted to say some things:
Usually, at the end of each blog entry, I ask some questions. Please feel free to answer the question in the blog comments.
I am not a dictionary. I'm trying to explain things in a simple way, so sometimes my definition is not 100% perfect. Also, sometimes a word will have many different meanings, and I only explain one or two meanings. I don't want to give too much information in each entry. My goal is for my readers to easily read the blog and pick up some new vocabulary and idioms.
If you don't understand something, I encourage you to look it up in a dictionary or on the Internet. Find more examples of it!
Remember, when you search the Internet, you can search for a complete phrase using quotation marks. (For example, if you want to find the phrase come up with, type " " around "come up with". Otherwise, the search engine will look for any pages with "come", 'up", and "with", but maybe not all together.)
For visual things, I always recommend Google Images. ^_^
Please let me know if you have any feedback, or something you want me to explain.
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